IAPP Awards Category

Dr. V. K Razdan Memorial Oration Award

This is awarded to a member of the IAPP in recognition of his/her exceptional contribution jn the field of Art, Music, Theatre, Literature, or any other cultural activity other the Psychiatry. This is decided by the Awards Committee and is an Honorary Award conferred upon by IAPP.

Dr. Indla Rama Subba Reddy :– IAPP Award

For Any Original Work Done by an IAPP member psychiatrist in any field of Psychiatry

Samvedana Women’s’ Award

For work done or experienced in psychiatry by a Woman IAPP member by a Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Social Worker or other related mental health professional

Dr. Amit Bohra Oration Award

This award has been instituted in memory of Dr. Amit Bohra by Dr. N. K. Bohra & Mrs. Neena Bohra .This oration will be delivered at each annual conference of IAPP by a senior life fellow of the society.

Dr. Anil Kumar Dutt :– IAPP Award

For best poster presentation by an IAPP member and open to all members of IAPP.

4th ANCIAPP Varanasi :– IAPP Award

For the best original work done in any field of mental health by an IAPP member from any State Branch. The competing paper has to be sent through the State Branch of IAPP, which may select and forward only one paper from its State or send the best paper presented at the State Conference. IAPP members of states where State branches have not been formed as yet, may send directly.

Best Case Conference :– Certificate of Excellence IAPP Award

For best clinical presentation of a case (Case Conference model without actual patient) Video presentation of interview welcome. Open to all members of IAPP.

Notes : If Send your Award Entries to Dr. E. Mohandas Email :emohandas53@gmail.com